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Perform at your peak

we'll help you achieve your goals

Fall in love with taking

care of your body

Vigour = Power, physical fitness. The main concern of Vigour Personal Training Studio-Gym is to provide quality fitness and fitness services. The space is designed to cover three options / amenities. It has a small group room, a fitness area as well as a personalised training area. We give the stakeholder the choice of:

the type of exercise he / she wants to choose: Personal training – Individual training, Group exercise – Group programs, Fitness coaching (always with personal supervision and coaching during exercise)
The best combination of assistance and benefits that facilitates financially.

The Vigour Personal Training Studio-Gym is open daily from 06:00 – 21:30 except Saturday which is open from 09:00 – 14:30.

Within the absolutely friendly and warm environment of the Vigour Personal Training Studio-Gym combined with the direct guidance and active supervision of the trainers, training becomes a different experience, a clearly enjoyable activity.

Exercise ceases to be a tedious part of the day and becomes an enjoyable activity that leads the practitioner to set personal goals for the betterment of their health and body.

Vigour Personal Training Studio-Gym features the authentic vibration platform, the authentic POWER PLATE, with Certified Instructor of Basic Academy and Advanced Plate Academy, with extensive experience in this type of training in Greece (Athens) and Cyprus (Paphos). It also comes with genuine TRRX belts also with certified Instructor in this type of training.

We will coach you and help you achieve your health goals.
At Vigour Gym, we can help you every step of the way. Join our family and own your fitness. What are you waiting for? Take the first step today.
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